Wednesday 30 September 2015

Carol's sampler wall hanging

My friend Carol from our Quilting Bee has been very busy.  I took the pictures a few weeks ago and forgot to post them. Sorry...

This is a small sampler wall hanging she made.  They are mini blocks done using paper piece method.  I am also sorry about the quality of the pictures.  I couldn't do anything about the lighting.  Just know that the colours are vibrant blues, green and fuchsia.  This first picture is the whole wall hanging.

The next few pictures are a close up of the blocks.  Great job Carol!  Way to go for finishes this year. You are really going to town on them!  Wish I could keep up.

This is a nice simple wall hanging to do to learn how to paper piece.  Carol did hers as a wall hanging, but if you wanted to you could use these blocks with others to make a large sampler quilt.

As for me, yesturday I went to my parents house and while staying with my dad I worked on my Tiny Town block.  I am almost done block number nine.  I will show you soon.

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