Friday 11 September 2015

Floret number six for the bottom row is finished

Well, this week has been my vacation and it has defiantly been a busy one.  I started on Friday night after coming home from work with cleaning up my quilt room, attaching the binding for Flo's quilt and starting the quilting on my Daughter's quilt.

From morning until late at night on Saturday and Sunday, I was at my Mom's doing up four bushels of tomatoes into marinara sauce, tomato sauce and diced tomatoes.

On Monday we spent the day removing everything from the laundry room, including the laundry sink. We took out the two layers of flooring and subfloor, down to the builders subfloor.  I removed a portion of wall, all the baseboards and facings, and all the nails and staples. Plastered up the holes and finished of with a good vacuum.

Tuesday comes around and we are the first day back to school for the kids, so everyone up early and off they go.  I am off running around town trying to get all the supplies I will need.  Head to the flooring place to pick up my tiles and thresholds, to Home Depot for the cement board, screws and other miscellaneous things.  By the time I actually get home it is now 1:00 pm and I haven't had lunch yet.  By the time I start installing the cement boards it is 2:00 pm.  I work at it and finally get it done in time to still take the kids out for their school supplies that the teachers want them to have. Return home to clean up my work tools.

Wednesday, is poring rain.  I was not going to get deterred.  I set up the large umbrella right outside the laundry room door and set up my rain free working zone.  This day was for tiling.  Before my Daughter left for school she helped me with the caulk lines, so I was ready to go. I cut a bunch of half tiles for the first wall and started mixing cement.  I worked on it all day and finished the last tile at 5:10 pm.  Just in time to clean up all the tools, take a shower, have something to eat and off to my Quilting Bee meeting for 7:00 pm.

Thursday comes around, but this time I have to wait until 5:10 pm to do any work on the tiles because the cement needs 24 hrs to dry before grouting.  Instead I did some running around to pick up some other stuff that I ordered to do the bathroom.  Once I got home, I made a large batch of spaghetti sauce for dinner and for freezing, and really worked to get my kitchen back in order from all the cooks in the kitchen that don't clean up after themselves.  I went over to my friend Flo's place to show her how to attach the binding by hand.

Later, my Daughter called and wants to be picked up from school, and after dinner, dropped off at work for 6:00 pm.  By the time I get started on the floor again it is after six.  I set up my work station and started grouting.  It went pretty smoothly.  My husband getting home from taking our son to soccer practice at 8:30 pm, just in time to help me with the bucket duty.  Bucket duty is supplying me with a constant flow of clean water to clean up all the excess grout off the tiles.  By the time I finish the grouting and washing all of the floor it is 10:10 pm.  Now we wait for at least an hour to let the grout set, and wash the floor one more time to get the residue off of the tiles.  Job done!!!

I like how the floor turned out.  The grout will lighten up a bit once it dries fully and the tiles will look a bit better once I can give them a good cleaning.

Last night, while I was waiting to rinse the tiles the last time I took the hour to relax and did some handwork.  My handwork of choice was my mindless sewing on the florets.  So now, floret number six for the bottom row is finished.

I now only have one more floret to do for the bottom row, and I put them together.  They are coming along.  Slowly, but surely.

Today is a whole new day!!!  This day is for ME!!!  ALL FOR ME!!!  I think I deserve it!  Even my body thinks

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