Tuesday 1 September 2015

Floret number five for the bottom row is done

Sorry if I disappoint anyone.  I told everyone in my last post that I would share with you a cute baby quilt made by one of my friends in our quilting bee, however I realized that I should not be showing anyone until the maker gets to see it.

Instead I will show you floret number five for the bottom row that is done.  I only have two more floret left to do, and I will be finished the whole bottom row.  Yippy!!!

They are coming along slowly, but surely.  I am making some headway on dismantling the diamonds too.  Once they are done I can sort them into bundles for an easy grab and go project.

Hope everyone is enjoying there summer.  It's coming to a close soon.  Went by way too fast as far as I'm concerned, but I do love fall.  The cooler temps and sleeping with the windows open, snuggled up under a light quilt.  I'm not wishing the summer away, truly, but I do also look forward to fall.

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