Thursday, 17 November 2022

Traditional 3-way BOM

Warning, this may be a long post, as I haven't posted in a few days...

Have I ever been busy these last few days...  I did some renos, some quilting for customers and for charities.  Overall I have been productive trying to get things done, so that I can have a guilt free weekend away.  I think I deserve it.

I'm looking forward to some time away with friends to decompress and have some fun.

Since this weather has turned all of a sudden, I haven't been able to get any pictures taken, so that will have to wait.  In the picture department, I have a lot of catching up to do.

In the meantime, let me take you back to May 16 & 26th/2020:

This quilt is one of three quilts that I did as a block of the month (BOM).  The person doing this BOM had you making a quilt that you would later quilt on your longarm.  In this case it wasn't the making of the block that was the BOM, but instead the quilting of it.

Tracey from Whirls and Swirls decided that she would teach three styles of quilting.  All would be freehand.  First would be modern, second would be traditional and the third was free motion/flow (somewhere in between).

I being an over achiever, at the time, decided I wanted to do all Well that backfired on

If you go back through my posts, you will see that I was able to keep up with making the three quilts all together, but when it came time to do the just got crazy.  I did the first one fine and learned a lot.  Later I stalled out.  By the time I got to this date, in May, I convinced myself that a completed quilt was better than a long list of stuff to do.  I was also trying to get stuff done rather than packing it.

This quilt was supposed to be the traditional quilting style.  It was to have feathers galore and I wasn't feeling it.  I didn't free that my skill level was good enough for my sometime perfectionist ways, so I went ahead and quilted it with an overall feather design.

Above and below are closeups of a couple of block.  I ended up having just enough of that background fabric.  That was the inspiration for pulling the other fabrics.  The blue one may be a little off, but the challenge to myself was, if I was to make these three quilts, they all had to come out of my stash.  I was not allowed to purchase any fabric for them.  I succeeded, for all three!!  Yeay!!

I wanted to throw this last picture in here for my own enjoyment.  This was of a corner of my garden, at my home in Etobicoke.  I just loved the backyard neighbour's lilac bush that would dangle over the fence to my side.  It somehow made my garden look so much bigger.  The fence is almost obscured by the bushes I had growing in front of it.  You really have to look to even see the bird feeder in the picture.  The eyonomous bush was planted by the previous owner and has filled in nicely.  The metal fence in front of it is to protect my garden from my dog, that would just trample all over it.  It also gave the bunnies a safe place to run, so my dog wouldn't get them.

If you've come this far, kudos to you.  You are almost to the end.  Just one more thing...

Interesting facts:  Back at this same time in May/2020, now with the weather turning nice, it is time to get out in the gardens and get them ready for selling the house.  I know it is early, but if we are looking to sell in the beginning of the year 2021, the weather will not allow for any garden clean up.  So, we start thinning out the plants, rearranging to make it look easier to upkeep, remove the doggie proofing fences, take up the patio stones to reshape it smaller a bit, also remove the temporary patio up by the Japanese maple, as it was never a good spot for it, and add in new grass where needed.  This has to be done now, as the plan is in June, I start fixing up my daughter's room and I'm working on making samples for quilting patterns. 

I am wishing everyone a long weekend, as I will be away and not posting.  Take some time for you, have fun and keep safe.

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