Saturday 12 November 2022

Joyce's Oriental fabric quilt (QW)

Good morning!  Today is going to be another busy day of catching up on things around here at home.  First on the list is finishing the fine touches of plaster on my son's room and priming all the patches.  I have a customer quilt to do and if time allows one more quilt for Quilts for Survivors.  Added point from yesturday's post, part of my "you wish" list, is to also have one coat of paint on the walls, both the main colour and the accent  We'll see....

Not only do I have to get caught up, but I also need to try and get a little ahead of the game, as next weekend I won't be here to get anything done.  I am heading out of town with friends.

For pictures today, let me take you back in time to Apr 19/2020:

Here is another quilt made by Joyce.  This one was made using yardage of an oriental fabric with white cranes and pink/rose Peony flowers.  Here is a sampling of the focal fabric.

I put a measuring tape on this next block, as I wanted to get the scale.  I thought this would be good pattern for using up large print fabrics.  All you need are two accent fabrics to match your fabric of choice.  This would be an easy enough quilt to use the strip piecing method to make the blocks. 

The strip set for this 10" block would be 2 1/2" light strip (by width of fabric), sewn to a 4" dark strip (by width of fabric), sewn to a 5" light strip (by width of fabric) sewn side by side.  Once the strip set is sewn, you would sub cut it into one 2 1/2" and one 5" piece, per block.  You would also cut a 4" focal fabric to place in between to make up the full block.  Placement for the first row, first block is with the focal fabric vertical on the left side, and second block rotating the block a 1/4 turn to the right.  For the second row, for the first block the focal fabric is horizontal on the bottom of the block and a 1/4 turn to the right for the next one.  Easy  Hope you got all that.

This next one is a close up of one block.  It almost looks like it was fussy cut to get both cranes in the size of the block (sorry for the picture being sideways, only notice now while writing this post).

This is the closest thing I have to the whole quilt.  I forgot to get the final picture.  This one I made sure to add in the post, as I wanted to note the borders.  The three border fabrics were done as one border the length of the quilt sides, and for the last two borders (top and bottom), there was a block sewn to each end of the border.  This gives the illusion that the border is a bit fancier. 

Interesting facts:  April 20th/2020, just after these photos were taken, my long arm broke down and was not working.  It took me about a week and a half, back and forth with the company trying to figure out what the problem was, so this started to stress me out, as I had a backlog of quilts.  Lucky for me the company support is great!!  Fast forward to today, I can say that this one time was the only time since I've owned my longarm that I had a breakdown....knock on wood.

Enjoy your day everyone!  Make the most of it and don't forget to take some time for you!!

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