Friday 11 November 2022

Joyce's tumbler quilt

Today I had a day off from my full time job, so I made big plans and mad a big long list of stuff I wanted to try and get  It was big!  Did I realistically think I was going to get it all done in the one, but I was going to try my darndest to do all that I could.  I do it often, I am a list person after all.  I make lists to keep me on track and so that I don't forget what to focus on.  On paper I have the whole list (I call it the "you wish", said with sarcasm) and in my head I have the realistic list....even if I get one extra thing done from the realistic list, I am supper happy.

I got the plastering of my son's room done.  I just have a fine coat left to do, but waiting for it to dry.  I quilted a quilt for Quilts for Survivors, one of my mom's NICU quilts and her snowman panel quilt.  Pictures will follow once the binding is done.  So I am supper happy, as the snowman panel was not on my realistic list.  I will work on the rest of the stuff on the wish list throughout the weekend.

I quit for today.  I ordered pizza for dinner and plan to do some personal sewing and maybe a movie later this evening. 

Pulled a picture from the archives and taking you back in time to April/2020:

This is Joyce's tumbler quilt.  They're larger tumblers made using beautify warm thimbleberry type fabrics.  They are so warm and rich.  I love it!  Makes me want to just snuggle up underneath it by the fire with a glass of wine. 

Both the quilt pattern and the fabrics reminded me of a traditional quilt, so I quilted it with a traditional Baptist fan quilt pattern.  Nothing says traditional more than the Baptist fans.   I love the simple texture.  I used military gold thread on this one and wow!  It blends very nicely through all the different fabric colours.

Hoping everyone had a great day!! Enjoy the evening and take some time for you!

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