Saturday 16 December 2017

My Xmas/solstice star quilt is coming along

I have so many things on the burner, sometimes I just don't know what to do and where to start.  That is when I make a plan to keep it simple.  So I have decided that during the day I will work on this, and during the evening I work on my hand work.  I have a couple of secondary blocks done for my Xmas/Solstice star quilt.  It is starting to take shape.

I wanted the blocks on the design wall, but the Canadian Northwind quilt was there.  That's ok though, as it forced me to put the top two rows together.  So, in a sense I am working on these two quilts at a time.

While I was assembling the two rows of the Canadian Northwind quilt, I was using my units for the Xmas/Solstice star quilt as the leader/enders.  I will just keep working like this, as long as I can, and make a dent in both quilts.  It's a win win.

I am still trying to get just one more quilt top done before the end of the year.  Who knows, maybe I will be successful and get both done.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.  Next weekend we are heading into Christmas, hope you have all your Christmas shopping done.

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