Sunday 31 December 2017

Final totals for my 2017 UFOs -- GREAT YEAR!!!

On my 2017 UFO list, I starting the year with 45 UFOs, the goal was to reduce this to 25.  The final numbers:

Total number of quilts completed - 26
Total number of quilts/wall hangings added to the list - 9
Total number of quilts removed/dismantled - 1
Total number of quilts left to be completed to achieve my goal - 2

Final total of my top 12 priority list for 2017........ I completed 8 out of the 12 and made some good progress on a couple of the others.  I think those are good ratios.

Overall it was a very good year with progress on my UFOs.  They got out of hand for a while there, but now they are getting more manageable.  I feel great, and I am looking forward to reducing my list a bit further.

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