Thursday 28 December 2017

My daughter's Christmas present to me

My daughter has been busy, making me my Christmas gift.  Isn't it pretty?  I love it!  This will be my winter wall hanging.  My daughter has been working on this for a while now, as these hexagons take time to do.   They are all hand pieced hexagons, which measure just over 3/4" per side.

She designed the wall hanging on her own and all five snowflakes are different.  It's beautiful!!!

I already have the quilting of it, planned out and can't wait to get started on it!

Yesturday, my daughter and I spent some time together and we went for a ride out to Kitchener, to check out a sale at a quilt store.  My daughter is just finishing off her Remember Me quilt.  That quilt is made with signature blocks and pinwheels, using civil war type fabrics.  My daughter calls them warm colours.

This is what we found for the borders of her quilt.  Very pretty.  This is going to look great on her quilt.  That small border really brings out the colour and design of the larger border.  My daughter also found her backing fabric, so this one will be ready to quilt once she adds the borders (pictures of the quilt will follow, once she has completed the whole quilt and it is quilted).

Hope everyone is having some good relaxing family time during the holiday week.

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