Thursday 14 December 2017

Making some progress on a Christmas quilt

By this point in the year, one has to realize what is reasonable to get accomplished and what is not.

I realize that there is nothing on my list of 12 priority quilts, that is near to the finish line.  All the quilts I have to assemble still have a ways to go.  Not including the quilts only needing to be quilted, and of the three that are left to be assembled, the Xmas/Solstice star quilt is the closest to the finish line.  At this point, I have half of the blocks done (blocks in the picture on top left).  I also have about half of the units, that make up the secondary block, done (at the bottom of the picture).  So.......I am really making an effort, to try and get just one more done, before the end of the year.

I have all the units sorted and counted.  The pinwheels are all assembled (bottom left).  I have all the parts of the chevrons sorted and in the process of being assembled (top right).  The last unit that makes up the block is all together with the half square triangles (bottom right), are waiting to be sewn.  I even have the red and black pieces that make up the border started (left middle).  They are probably two thirds of the way done.

Let's see how far I can get on this one.......

Keep cheering for me, I am going to need a lot of good vibes!!

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