Monday 5 June 2017

April's quilt guild meeting

Our Guild's meeting in May was with Kelly DuMaresq - Scrappy quilts.  What a great speaker.  She was enthusiastic and educational, with an abundant stack of quilts.  When I say abundant, I mean like wow, two conference tables stacked high.

She is also a Bonnie Hunter fan and had at least a hand full of Bonnie's patterns made up.  I like Bonnie Hunter and I like scrappy quilts, so I was in my glory watching the quilts as they were displayed.  There were so many.  Far too many to take a picture of them all and to many to put into a post.

If any guilds are looking for a guest speaker, I would highly recommended Kelly.

Here are a few scrappy quilts, for your enjoyment, but really, these do not do the show justice.  Kelly also teaches technique if anyone is interested.

This guest speaker was one of my favourite, though the others were good as well.  

I am so inspired to make some more quilts.  Still doing well right now with holding myself back from starting anything new.  My goal was set in January and I am trying really hard to meet that goal, but with a show like we had in April, it makes it difficult.

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