As June is shortly coming to a close, I thought I would take a look at what progress I've made.
I've been working away at my purple stars blocks. They are all assembled into a top. I've even cut the strips for the first border. It shouldn't take too long, once I get a chance to sew.
I've been working away at my purple stars blocks. They are all assembled into a top. I've even cut the strips for the first border. It shouldn't take too long, once I get a chance to sew.
So now, I am working on the blocks for my Canada's 150th birthday. This quilt is called Canadian Northern Wind. The top row blocks are completed, plus a bunch more.
Behind these blocks you still see bits and pieces of my hexagon quilt. That one is still put aside for now. At the top left hand corner you can just see the edges of my bear paw block. I put that up there, because when it was front and centre, of my line of vision, while I sewed on my machine, I kept thinking about working on it, but it is not on my list yet, to work on. So, I put it out of the way, until I can get back to it.
Lastly on the top right hand corner I have my monkey wrench blocks. I have to cut some more pieces for these blocks, for my leader/ender tray. This one is allowed to stay on the wall.
While I work away at the Canadian Northwind Blocks, I can get four lines of sewing on a leader/ender, so I will be making a lot of progress on them........however, that is when I get a chance to sew them.
For now, the rush is on to work on everything that will be in the show come October. That means I have to finish the binding on two large double/queen size quilts, put the sleeves on five large quilts and one wall hanging, and make seven labels for the quilts. Plus finish borders and quilting yet another queen size quilt, including the sleeve and label.
So....for a bit I will be busy getting it together. As it is a long list, l am stopping everything else until they are done or for as long as I can.
Wish me luck.
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