Saturday 24 June 2017

Sewing machine wall hanging

I finished my vintage sewing machine wall hanging a while ago and forgot to post about it.  I like how it turned out.  I will be entering this piece into the guild quilt show in October.

This was a gifted kit from one of the quilting bee members' husband, who gifted it to me for being a part of finishing the quilt his wife was last working on before she passed away. I quilted the quilt for him and his family to enjoy.  One member finished up the borders, I quilted it and another member will attached the binding.  Our way of saying good bye, and honouring our friend.

This wall hanging is 18" X 42".  The pattern is called Comfort by Barbara Cherniwchan of Coach House Designs.

For the background I chose to quilt in a basket weave style, using each block for changing directions.  The cream block lines go up and down vertically and the floral block lines go side to side horizontally.  The lines are really close together which helps a lot in making the individual applique pieces pop up.  Looks kind of cool.  I just can't help myself and have to run my hands across the texture every time I look at this.

Here is a closer look, so you can see the quilting a bit better.  I only wanted to do a few designs on the applique pieces themselves, as I didn't want to flatten them out.

Lastly, here is a picture on the diagonal. It is very difficult to get the quilting to show up on black, especially when using blending black thread.  I found though that on a diagonal with the only light being that from the window, casting shadows across the quilt, was the best way to get the whole effect of the quilting.  This picture also shows the binding on.

In person in full light you can see all the 3D affect the two layers of batting have on the wall hanging, however you just can't get the same in a straight on picture.  Hopefully you can excuse the quality of the picture, as I am not a professional photographer, I wouldn't  even call myself a novice.  But I think it is good enough to see the texture in the piece.

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine!

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