Tuesday 30 May 2017

More monkey wrench blocks

While I was working on my main work, the purple stars quilt, I managed to get a couple of monkey wrench blocks done.  I still have a little pile sitting beside my sewing machine to be used as leader/enders.  These are with some of the older fabrics a friend gave me from her strips and scraps.

I am really liking how they are coming together, with lots of variety.  I have a few friends that don't care to make scrappy quilts or are just paring down.  When I combine some fabrics from each of them, I feel that I am making a group quilt.  It's almost like a block swap, except I am the one making all the blocks, but with their fabrics and mine combined.

There is so much variety.  It always amazes me, how even with so many different fabrics it can still combine to make a beautiful quilt.  I personally like scrappy quilts the best.  But if you have been reading my posts, you already know that.

So far I have seventeen blocks.  I am not sure how many I will need, but I will just keep making them until I feel it is enough.  That will take a long time, as so far, I am still trying to only use a fabric once.  So far I haven't even touched my scraps to make any of these.

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