Wednesday 24 May 2017

More monkey wrench blocks

I have been fairly busy lately with my day time work, quilting business work, gardening work and working at my mom's place, not to mention trying to keep the house going.  I haven't had time to just sew some pieces together.  So....when an opportunity came to steal some time for myself, I had to wipe up these little monkey wrench blocks.

These little things are sitting beside my machine waiting to be leader/enders.  They don't take much time to make and I enjoy seeing all the variety of colour combinations.  Can you see the difference between the bottom red block and the other two.  They are the same block, but depending on colour placement, sometimes they look so different from one another.

This time of year, it gets kind of hectic around here.  I'm not complaining, just commenting on it.  I especially notice with the lack of posts I haven't been writing.  I have been working on various quilts trying to get things done, but most of what I have been doing is repeats and I don't want to bore anyone with the same old stuff.

I was able to do some quilting this past weekend, as it was a long weekend.  I will show that stuff once I get the pictures.

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