Saturday 13 May 2017

I snuck in a hexagon floret

I have been concentrating on my list for a while now.  I've been trying to get curtain quilts completed, so that I can have a more manageable amount of quilts to work on.  My problem is, I want to do them all.  Just because I already have a bunch started, doesn't stop me from looking at others that I also want to do.  My brain never seems to rest with the ideas.

Anyways, one of the quilts that got put aside, was my grab and go project, my hexagon quilt.  I have been itching to get back at it, but because it is not on my immediate list of "to do", I have to wait.

Well.....that was until Tuesday, when we had to bring my daughter to a dental consultation.  I was tired of working on the labels, as I had just finished two of them, one for a gifted quilt and one for my cousin's quilt.  I decided to give myself permission to stray away from the list this time.

I started making this hexagon at the dental office, but the wait time was minimal, so I also took it with me when I went to have my oil changed.  That went fairly quickly too, so as I figured, I could not leave it half way completed, I finished it up when I got home.

It is so relaxing working on hexagons.  One patty at a time, slip stitching them together to make different shapes or designs.  They are also very addictive.  You just cannot stop at making one.

I am looking forward to working on this one more regularly, but first, I have to finish my Dresden plate handwork, and I can add this one to the list.

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