Tuesday 2 May 2017

Working on my purple stars

Wow!!!  I had most of Sunday to play in my sewing room.  While I washed the binding fabric for the Dresden plate, Split nine patch and another quilt, I continued to tackle little piles around the room.  Things are coming together and getting taken care of.

I was also making some headway on my Purple stars quilt.  I have all the fabrics bundled with the green apple corner units together, the purple strips, the dark green blocks and the black for the small stars.  Each one of these blocks takes a half hour to complete.  During the day I managed to complete ten full blocks.

The bonus, while making these blocks, is that for every block of the purple stars that I made, I was able to get one full block from my Xmas/Solstice star quilt done.  All my sub units for this block are done and bundled together too, ready to be assembled.  

When I do all that I can do with the purple star block, I use the units from this Xmas/Solstice star block as my leader/ender.  By the time the one is done the second one is also done.  It's a win win!!!

I now only need five more purple star quilt blocks, to finish all the blocks needed to complete the top of the quilt.  Yay!!!

Yesturday, I attached the binding by machine to the Dresden plate quilt.  Now it is ready for some sit down time to tack the binding down by hand.

I am a very happy camper!

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