Friday 30 December 2016

Working on my Purple Stars quilt

From the list that I posted yesturday, you will see that I have added a whole bunch of different quilts or wall hangings.  I have decided to start my new year early.  Not that 2016 was a bad year, because it wasn't.  I am starting early, just because I can't wait!

From my list, I chose the Purple Stars quilt to start with.  I already have a fair amount of the blocks done.  Part of the reason these blocks got put aside was because I was not liking the way they were going.  I came across a pretty border fabric for this quilt, but when I put the already assembled blocks up next to it, they didn't work together.  The purple flowers in the border fabric were more on the violet side of the colour wheel and the blocks I had were more on the blue side.

So......yesturday when I took them all out, I removed all the purple fabric from the block bundles.  I pulled some violet purple out of my stash and started cutting.  I did leave some of the bluer purples in the mix to keep it interesting, but the ratio of violet blocks is now dominate.

Here is my box of block bundles ready to be sewn.  It shouldn't take me too long to get the blocks done.  I have the green and cream portion of the blocks done for all the bundles.  What I have left are the points to the purple strips and assemble the blocks in 9-patch style.

Here are a couple of blocks to show you what I am working on.  Do you see the corner unit with the three green squares?  Those are done, for all the blocks.

This is an old block.  It's been around a long time.  I came across it, while reading Bonnie Hunter's blog.  She made a quilt using these blocks called Jared Takes a Wife.  Mine may be a bit different, but not by much.  I am still working out what to do with the borders, sashing or no sashing etc.  Right now I am just concentrating on making the blocks.

Tomorrow, I will show you what I took out as my leader/ender.

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