Saturday 10 December 2016

More drunkard's path parts

I didn't realize yesturday that it was a late night at work for me until that day.  I am starting to feel much better as time is going on.  I attribute it to the forced relaxation of getting sick.  Sometimes I just don't know when to slow down.  So, yesturday evening, I decided to use it as an excuse.  A valid excuse, but an excuse nonetheless, to sit and relax while I sew some more.

I had a chance to tune in to one of Bonnie Hunter's recent archived quilt cams.  While watching her 90 minute cam I was able to finish 62 more small units that make up the drunkard's path blocks.  That is a total of 7.5 full blocks from the two batches of units completed yesterday.

Today there may not be much more quilty stuff going on, as we are all going on a family outing.  We're going hunting for a Christmas tree.  It is always fun.  The "we" includes my family, my brother's family, my sister's family and all of her kid's family.

We head north to a tree cutting farm, go out in the fields on a horse drawn wagon, sing Christmas carols along the way, the kids run around chasing each other or when there is snow, having snowball fights.  It's a blast.  Once everyone has their trees we head for the trails to be picked up by a tractor pulled wagon to take the trees back.  Waiting back at the barn is some hot chocolate or apple cider to warm you up and some hand made crafts, candles and wood work projects if anyone is interested in buying.

When this is all done, we all descend on a small village to a small restaurant and have a family dinner before heading home to deliver all the trees.  Please note, with the gang that we have, we do give notice to the restaurant that we are coming.

By the time we actually make it home, all of my family is pooped, myself included, so we may end the day watching a Christmas movie or whatever.

Enjoy the season and what ever it may bring for you!!!

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