Sunday 11 December 2016

Another section of my machine wall hanging

I did get some quilty stuff done after all.  Only because I was a passenger on the ride up, when we went Christmas tree hunting.  It's not much, as I like to look at the scenery along the way, but it is another three more pieces than I had the day before.

Do you like the spools?  Along the ride, I did one complete spool.  I also got the 1/4" seam turned and stitched for the pieces of the fourth spool, plus the body of the bird.  So, those pieces are now ready to be pinned and sewn down.

Today, I need to bake a batch of cookies for my bee meeting on Wednesday, clean up the kitchen, put up the Christmas tree to be decorated by the kids and make a run to the quilt store for some borders for a quilt I am trying to get done in time to be given as a Christmas gift.

I also need to find some time to help finish decorating the tree, put up the garland with lights out front and decorate the inside of the house.

It will be another busy day.

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