Saturday 31 October 2015

Another floret completed

Another floret for the right hand side.  This one goes close to the bottom of the border.  Second from the bottom, number thirteen.

This was the last of the florets that I had started already.  I was going to make all the florets first and later arrange them and sort out the direction of the white and purple hexagons, but part way through I decided differently.

By arranging them in order in a border, I was able to determine what I needed, how many florets and what colours I might be missing.  This border is the only section of the quilt where the colours will be tame.  The rest of the quilt will be completely scrappy and will have no rhyme or reason, outside of the diamond shape in the centre of the quilt with the same yellow centre as the florets.

Today is Saturday and I have the whole day to myself.  My daughter is at work, hubby is reading is paper and my son is doing his homework.  I've already started working on my Tiny Town block number five.  I decided to do the shops first.  So far so good.  I will show you the picture of it when I am done.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.  And YAH!!! for gaining an extra hour this weekend.  I need every minute of it.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Floret complete

I finished this floret when I got home tonight, before taking off to shop for my son's Halloween costume.  This year he chose to be a zombie skeleton.  This floret is number seven for the right hand side.  I am just getting started on the right side.  I think I now have three florets done.

I have one more floret that was already partially completed.  Now I am working on the few white hexagons and the last four purple hexies.

I am currently sitting here waiting for my daughter to finish work.  When I get home I am going to confiscate the laptop to catch up some more on my online reading.  I enjoyed reading what Bonnie has been up to.  That girl is amazing!  She is constantly on the go.  It is amazing that she gets as much as she does done.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Snowmen A to Zzzz.... letters X

I haven't had a chance to do any more applique, so I thought I would share my daughter's handwork.  My daughter finished one of her Snowmen A to Zzzz..... blocks.  This is her letter X is for Xoxo.

She is doing a great job.  She has a couple more almost ready too.  These blocks are so cute.  Tonight I am planning to catch up on my online reading.  I have not been reading for almost a month.  That is a lot to catch up, but I look forward to just relaxing and reading.

During my lunches I have been working on my hexagon florets.  I should have one to share with you soon.  Maybe even tomorrow.

Have a good evening everyone.

Monday 26 October 2015

A trip to The Quilting Bee quilt store (QW)

On Saturday morning I had to head over to my mom's to do some paper work, I had to go pick up my daughter from work.  So.......I was out all ready........ I was just itching for a car ride to see the beautiful autumn leaves, possibly for the last time before they all fall from the trees.  Fall is my favourite season.  
It didn't take much to convince my mom or my daughter that we needed to go on a car ride.  We went to Fonthill and took a trip to The Quilting Bee quilt store.  This store is always a great place to visit. Always something new every time I go.

I didn't even get a chance to get in the store's doors before I was halted by a gorgeous wall hanging. To view the complete piece you had to stand back against the doors.  There was so much to see ahead of me, to the right, to the left and up high too.  There is never a shortage of inspiration at this store.  I am drawn to this wall hanging.  I've seen the it advertised in magazines. I may get one eventually.  It is cute and fun.

After I walked around the wall hanging to the right, I came to the corner that the store has all their Go! machines and accessories.  From this section you have a view down the middle of the store.  I know the picture may be small, but even so you can see all the quilts hanging from the banister from the second floor.  Very nice eye candy.

The above pictures do not do the place justice.  This is definitely one place that I would recommend you visit if you are in the area.  You will not be disappointed.  They have lots of patterns, fabric, quilting accessories, wool projects, you name it.  We easily spend an hour in the store, by the time we check things out on the main floor and upstairs.

When you are done there, go next door to the Lazy Loon Restaurant for some lunch.  When all the girls from the Bee head up there this is another stop that we have to make.  Everything that anyone has thus far ordered has been really good.  I had numerous meals there myself and I would have any of them again, it was all good.

The pattern for this block came home with me.  It's called Chip from Little Bites by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. #807.  I think this is will be the pattern to use up all of my half square triangle blocks, that were a product of making the chevrons from the Midnight Flight quilt.  The half square triangles in my glass jar are stacking up.  This pattern was not the only inspiration I got from this trip to The Quilting Bee quilt store, but that will have to wait for another post.

Later everyone.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Still have Tiny Town block number five to do

I can't forget that I still have Tiny Town block number five to do, as it has been outstanding since the summer.  This will be the last block to complete the centre of this quilt.  It only has the two sections to it, but the bottom section has many pieces and the top section has very small intricate pieces for the two chairs to do.

I need this block done before the final reveal in December.  The clock is ticking.  I am running out of time and the finish line is coming into sight.  I am getting excited and relieved at the same time.  

This quilt has monopolized most of my time recently.  I am not sure I like the timelines part of making a block of the month type quilt, in fact I know I don't.  I like more, the flow of creativity and working on what inspires me.  I don't think I will take another class like this again.  Maybe a short, one day class to learn a certain technic would be more my style.  This way I can do what I want, with what I learn.

The teacher is nice and the class does have some camaraderie going on.  They are a good bunch of creative people with varying ideas that add to the whole mix.  It's nice. 

So, back to finishing this last block.  Which section am I going to work on.........

Saturday 24 October 2015

Finally finished Tiny Town block number six

I finished the last section of the Tiny Town block number six. Yay!!!  This quilt is starting to come along smoothly.

Now I also have block number six assembled.  This is great!  I finished it in time for our next meeting, with plenty of time to spare. I am very happy about this.  Now I won't be embarrassed when I go to class, that I didn't finish my homework.

With this block completely done, l only have one more block to do.  Block number five.  Stay tuned until tomorrow.  I plan on making some head waves on that one too.

Friday 23 October 2015

Jacobean appliqué

While at my quilting bee meeting on Wednesday one of the group brought her Jacobean appliqué in to work on.  Carol is now working on quilting this.  I say this, because I am not sure if Carol decided whether his will be a pillow or a wall hanging.  Either way it is pretty.  The Jacobean applique was designed by Patricia Campbell.

As for me, while I was at the meeting I worked on my florets.  I managed to get about half of the white surrounding hexagons attached to the floret.  I will show a picture when I am done.  I also worked on my Tiny Town block last night.  I am almost done with this gas station section.  Only a few more pieces and the detail work left to go.

I won't be working on any quilty stuff today.  After work today we are heading over to my mom's place for dinner.  Maybe mom has been working on something that I can take pictures of and show you. I am also hoping to start showing you some more of my daughter's snowman handwork.  She has a few that only need the French knots.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

More Tiny Town block number six

I was able to complete more of the Tiny Town block number six.  I finished the two storey house section.  This one wasn't so bad to do either.

I attached the strip that goes above the house, attached it to the first section, the stacked birdhouses and finished this larger section by attaching the bottom strip.

Now I am working on the last section to this block.  The last section is of a gas station, pump and a pick-up truck.  I've only got two pieces attached so far, so I will have to show you the pictures of it later when I am done.

This full block is due the third Saturday of November.  I am making good timing this time, but I still need to catch up with one more block.  Block number five is still behind.  I am trying to push myself to have it done by the meeting in November too, but if it doesn't happen....oh well.  It won't be without trying.

I can't wait to have is quilt top done.  I want to get to some of the other thinks that have been pressing to get done.  It is so much easier working on things that I enjoy.

This project was enjoyable until things started happening that made it impossible to work on and having enforced timelines pretty much kills the enjoyment.  There are not many things that I don't enjoy doing in quilting, but tell me it has to be done now or by a certain date and something in me rebels.

Am I the only one like this?  When I am like this I feel like a little kid with their face scrunched up, arms crossed over their chest determined to have there own way.  In other word it feels childish.  But I can't seem to stop it.  Inside my head just now I pictured myself having a temper tantrum, dropping on the floor and pounding my feet and fist on the ground.  Quite funny actually, while I think about it, because even as a child I don't think I ever did this.

I will have to ponder this some time to come up with the reason or underlining cause for me blocking every time I am required to meet a deadline.  The funny thing is it doesn't happen at work, only during my own personal time.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Started Tiny Town block number six

I started Tiny Town block number six.  This is the smallest section of three.  I think I t's cute.

I finished this section in no time at all and already started on the second section, the two storey house.

I also spent some time in my quilting room cleaning up the build up of stuff and sorting things.  I did some more sewing on the Midnight Flight blocks as well as my 16-patch blocks, which are currently my leader/ender.

A little progress here and there.

Monday 19 October 2015

Tiny Town block number six

I am now starting Tiny Town block number six.  I cut out all the pieces for the block.  This picture is of the top two sections of the block, the stacking bird houses and a two story house.

We have the bottom section of the block.  This section is of a pick-up truck and a gas station.  As you can see in the picture, this block goes above the block with the library.  You can just make out the roof if it.

I've decided to start with the cute stacking birdhouses.  I think a quick finish will help motivate me to keep going.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Finally finished Tiny Town block number eight

I finally finished Tiny Town block number eight.  As I was working on fixing up the house a bit, my quilting took a back seat.  Today though I am happily hand sewing to get my appliqué done.

I finished the last section of block number eight, the two potted hearts.

I took the time to attach it to the first two sections of the block.

This block is the centre section of the bottom row of the quilt top.  So, as I already had all those pieces done, I proceeded to put the row together.  

I think it is looking good.  The colours are a bit outside of my comfort zone, but I am ok with the outcome.  Not sure what I am going to do with the quilt yet, but I can figure that out later.  It's a cute quilt that a kid might like, but with all that intricate handwork it's not something that will do well with excessive use.  It will be about a lap sized quilt and could be for a wall hanging, but it would require a large wall to display it, or maybe even up a staircase.  We will see.....

Saturday 17 October 2015

Working away on the Midnight Flight quilt

There are times that I cannot do anymore handwork, when I need the speed and vibration of the sewing machine.  Last week there was just a time.

I was working away on the Midnight Flight quilt.  I took out a stack of twenty block parts and started sewing.  There were ten blue and ten green.  Here you see the pieces sewn into the four patches, but they are currently all done.

I even went ahead and assembled two complete blocks.  Two green blocks and two blue blocks makes up one complete block that measures 12.5" square (they will be 12" finished).  Doesn't it look gorgeous?  The design is really starting to come together.

I did have a mishap though.  These two complete blocks have been assembled twice.  After I finished them the first time, I put them up on the design wall and later noticed that two small blocks were sewn in the wrong direction, for both complete blocks.  So.......needless to say I had to take them apart and start over.

All the while that I am working on the Midnight Flight blocks, I was sewing up some of my leader/enders.  I now have another six complete 16-patch squares done.  These are coming together nicely too.  These are an easy leader/ender block to do.  All I do is assemble a four patch, five times to complete this block.

That means that for every 2 1/2 Midnight Flight blocks assembled, I also get one 16-patch block.  Not bad.  I will have this quilt done in not time using this method.

I worked all day yesturday priming and painting all the doors, door jams and baseboards in the office and doing more phone time with various companies setting things up.

Today I want some sewing time.  I think I deserve it.

Friday 16 October 2015

Finished quilting the Little Wonders panel

I didn't get a chance to do anything quilty stuff done yesterday and today so far I am into priming and painting the doors in my office space.  So, instead I thought I would share with you the Little Wonders panel that I finished last week.  I did simple stippling for the quilting on this one.

It's a small quilt panel that will most likely be dragged around by a small toddler and need frequent washes.  Best not to get too elaborate with these types of quilts.  Now all I have to do is attach the binding.

Now that I have this quilt done, I now have five donation quilts done.  Once the binding is on, I will attach the labels bundle them up with ribbon and deliver them to Project Linus.

Thursday 15 October 2015

More of Tiny Town block number eight

I did some more of Tiny Town block number eight.  I finished the second section, the house block.

I even attached the house to the bunny.  Now I am working on the last section of block number eight.

I didn't get the last section done today because it has been a hectic day.  It took me from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm to finally get things sorted in order to print out our taxes.  What a wasted day when you are on the phone all day, being transferred here and there and getting cut off too.  So frustrating.  But in the end I did get a hold of someone who was extraordinary, who knew exactly how to fix the issue.  The rest of the day was trying to finish my own paperwork and get my office cleaned up.

I am hoping tomorrow to start priming and painting the room door and the closet doors in my office.  I really want this room done!

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Started block number eight of the Tiny Town quilt

I started block number eight of the Tiny Town quilt.  I finished the first section of three that make up the full block.  This is a small one.  

Next section will be the house. The larger section of the three.  I'd have to say that block eight is I think he smallest block in the quilt.  I am hoping for a fast finish here as I am behind two more blocks after this one.

We are to have all he blocks done by our meeting in November.  From there we add the borders and are to being in a completed top in December.  The push is on......I will do what I can to try and make it.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Tiny Town block number eight

I organized block number eight of Tiny Town.  Cutting out all the pieces for the three sections took me a couple of hours.  I took out all the completed blocks and made room on my design wall for them.  This quilt is coming to an end.  At least the class is.  I am still playing catch up.

The bunny and the house are the first two sections of this block.  

We have the two potted hearts to complete the block.  I will have to set aside some time to sit and appliqué the pieces down.

Yesturday I did get out in the backyard to do some gardening.  The garden by the back fence and along the right hand side are done.  Still need another full day out there to get the rest of it done.  I also need to find some room for plants that were given to me and relocate a few things. It won't be today though because it looks like we are going to be getting a good long rain.

Today being a day off for me and the rain both go together to make a good day to stay indoors and do some quilty stuff.  I plan to enjoy it!

Monday 12 October 2015

Finished Tiny Town block number nine

I finally finished Tiny Town block number nine.  This last section is the school house.  

Here is a picture of the completed block. The block was due in August.  Better late than never.  This block was different, as it had four greens pieced together to make the grass area.  It adds interest in the background, especially on the section with the swing.

Next I have to start cutting out the pieces for either block number five which was Septembers block, block number eight which was Octobers block or the last block number six which will be due at our next meeting in November.  I've got a lot of catching up to do.  It has been a pretty hectic last few months.

Yesturday I finally managed to plant all my bulbs in the front garden.  Mrs. Hall, the previous owner, had a bunch of tulips, but I had to take them out to complete the facade and the landscaping with new walkways in the front.  Now that it is all done I was able to plant the bulbs.  I planted 215 bulbs of different flowers.  Some tulips, some crocuses and a few other types of bulbs.  I can't wait to see the results come spring.

Later today I have to get out in the backyard to clean up the garden and prepare it for winter.  I want to get a bit of the next Tiny Town block done first though.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Finished the bottom row of my hexagon quilt

I finished the last floret for the bottom row of my hexagon quilt.  Pretty little blue floret.  This was floret number nine, but when I laid the row all out I did a shuffle.

Over a period of a few days, while having my morning tea I managed to completely assemble the florets of the bottom row.  The first floret and the last one do not have purple hexagons at the top, as this is where the left and right side of the borders will come in.  The purple hexagons act as a mini sashing around the florets and help to separate them from the centre diamonds.

Here is a picture of a close up of the bottom row.  This is a section in the middle.  I am liking how it is turning out.  Now I have the top and bottom rows done and I started on the florets for the left side.

This project is still in my grab and go container.  It goes with me everywhere.  I am not the type of person to just sit around.  I have to be doing something.  Even if it is just keeping my hands busy.

Saturday 10 October 2015

The new leader/ender

As I emptied the wooden box of leader/enders I decided to choose another project.  I am wanting to see some progress on all my quilts, but this one in particular is itching to be done.  It was going along well before it had to get put away.  I started it in Feb/13 when my daughter started hers.  Her 16-patch pinwheel quilt is done and is in the process of being quilted.

My 16-patch pinwheel quilt is coming out again.  I want this one to be done.  I think this one will be a give away quilt to someone in the family.  It will be a queen size quilt.  While I work on the Midnight Flight quilt I will use this 16-patch pinwheel quilt as the leader/ender.

The wooden box is full of parts.  This is all the squares that are already sewn into twosomes.  A light square and a dark square.  I even have them sorted into sets of eight.

Each set is going to be sewn into four patches and the four patches are to be sewn again into a larger four patch.  The picture below is what I am aiming for.  This is a 16-patch block.

There are a total of 97 16-patch blocks needed for the quilt centre.  I have seven of them completed so far.  We will see how fast they get whipped up.  When you do things as leader/enders it is amazing how quickly they get done, with little effort.  My problem ends up being, that when I start really getting excited about the progress of the leader/ender project, it ends up pushing the main work aside.  Later I forget which project is the main work and which is the leader/ender.

Right now though I am trying to finish some quilting.  I am working on the Small Wonders panel quilt and I want to finish my Mom's quilt that she is giving away for Christmas to one of her great-grandsons.

Later I will take a break from quilting to work on my main work, the Midnight Flight quilt.

Friday 9 October 2015

Working on the Midnight Flight quilt

These last few days l've been needing some mindless sewing, for when I get home to keep my mind off things.  My father passed away.  It is a private time in my life.  I am as most quilters out there.  I am quilting to help deal with it.  There is nothing more I want to say about it.  I hope people will understand if my posts are at times sporadic.

I started sewing my leader/ender project, as a main project instead.  I emptied the container.  All the four patches are sewn into a four patch with the half square triangles.

I've paired off the pieced four patch blocks with their chevron pieces and the last four patch block to complete the sub block.  I will assemble these as leader/enders, or I may just keep working them as a main project.  Maybe try to get them though to the quilting stage.

I have eight sub blocks completed.  Four green and four blue blocks.  I need to make 84 blue sub blocks and 84 green sub blocks to complete the centre of the quilt top.

Two blues and two green blocks go together in a four patch style to make the final block.  I am not yet there.  This is a picture though of what the final block will look like.

I will need 42 final blocks to make up the centre of the quilt top.  That would make enough for a six blocks by seven blocks layout.