Sunday 29 June 2014

More hand work blocks done

Look what I have been doing!  Yesturday morning, I decided to attach the basket block to it's section.  Unfortunately the block ended up too small.  I fixed it though by adding the borders around it.  This created a chain of events.  The fabric I needed to chose for the borders was something that would not be in the surrounding HST border or at lest not stand out if it were.  With all the fabrics in the HSTs it was difficult so in the end I put out a pink that has only been used once in the quilt so far.

The pink was the one I used for my appliqué heart block.  This meant that I needed to move the heart, as it was located right above the basket block section.  It stood out too much.  I took the heart and green star section apart and moved the heart to the blue star.  Couldn't just move the whole section as there was already green in that area with the gingham border below the heart. This section is now sewn together with the Live, Laugh, Love block.

Yesturday afternoon my Mom invited me over for dinner.  I brought alone my hand work.  Mom worked on her red work star quilt and I worked on my appliqué basket block.  By the end of the evening when the children arrived back from spending time with their cousins at Wild Water Kingdom, I was done my basket block.

Only one more block to do.  I can't believe how quickly this quilt is starting to come together.  With the basket block done I can now finish all of section C.  The whole quilt is about 90% done already.  Wow, I am so excited!!!

Finished the Spider Web top centre

Today you will get two posts.  I thought I posted this one yesturday, but I guess not as it was sitting in my files as a draft.

Yesturday morning I finished the centre of my Spider Web quilt.  Now I can take it with me when we travel to see if I can find borders.  With the borders this quilt will fit my queen size bed.

I did a lot of quilting yesturday as well, on my friends quilt.  Though I am not sharing those photos yet, not until it is complete.  Will be working on this today, trying to get it done.  Stay tuned for photos.

The next post will be everything else I managed to do yesturday.  I am so excited!  Progress is being made on many quilts.

Friday 27 June 2014

I am making plans

I am making plans for a trip with the kids, and along the way there and back we will be stopping off at a few quilt stores.  These quilt stores are new to me.  They are further up North and a bit to the West.

I have my grab and go bag ready with my hand work.  The kids have their bags ready with games, books and beach towels.  Everyone is excited.  My children are patient when it comes to my quilting obsession.  They don't mind stopping at quilt stores for me, so long as I don't over due it, as they realize that we do stop to do things for them as well.  An ice cream cone, especially does the trick.

I asked my daughter to remind me to take pictures this time.  While I go on my little shop hop, I plan to do a write-up about them and share the information with you.

Just making plans today.  Trying to determine where to go. Due to the long weekend I also need to call in advance to see which shops will be open on Monday, on our way up North. 

I want to put my Spider Web quilt top together before we go, so along the way if I see a fabric for the borders I can try it out.  

We are not leaving until Monday, so I will talk to you later.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Rows are done

Yesturday evening once dinner was done and dishes cleaned up, I decided to head to my quilt room.  Hubby has taken son to soccer practice.  Daughter up in her room reading.  Now quiet time for me.  I was able to finish the second half of the rows for my Spider Web quilt.  Five rows completed.  When I have another bit of time I can assemble the rows together and see what I may have for borders.

While sewing the rows, as my leader and ender last night, I was doing the bow tie blocks.  Another five more bow ties done with no effort at all.  Another one of Bonnie's tips.  Check out her site at  So far the bow tie blocks on the design wall do not have a single repeat fabric.  I am trying to make the whole quilt without a repeat.  Just like a charm quilt.  I have fabrics from my stash, from family and from friends. All of them are made from scraps no actual yardage used.

I find myself constantly talking about small bits of time.  Other than odd weekends, I really don't get much time to just sit and quilt for hours at a time, so I need to make the time to do it.  When I go back through my posts or my journal that I used to write in, to see what I have done.  I realize that even though they are small bits of time, I have been able to accomplish a fair amount.

If you are ever stuck in limbo when you just don't know what to do, don't despair.  Start by straightening things up or just fondling your fabric.  Something will spark your interest.  Even if you only take 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there, things will happen and when you look back you may be surprised as well.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Did some more trimming, sorting and cutting

You can get a good amount done in a small amounts of time.  These smaller stripes are from my Mom.  She was cleaning up her last project and thought I might want the variety for my spool blocks.  I washed the stripes and ironed them, all using little bits of found time.

So far, I have this pile of spool parts cut up and matched together, ready to sew.  Doesn't look like mush, but there are at least ten blocks worth there.  

I have a basket on my cutting board that I want to start trimming.  I like the idea I got from Bonnie regarding cutting up your scraps in usable pieces.  For me so far, I cut up my pieces in 2" strips and squares plus 1" strips and squares.  The rest of the miscellaneous odd sizes go in a scrap basket or the scrap strips in a drawer.  Right now I only have the spools that I am cutting, but if I were thinking of a specific quilt I might want to make I would cut the leftover fabrics into those particular sizes.  It makes for short work of accumulating the pieces needed to make the quilt.  Try it, it really makes a difference.  This drawer of pre-cut 2" strips and blocks sorted into lights and darks can probable make a queen size quilt or larger.  This way I have instant variety without having to pull out all my fabrics.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Finished the last hand stitch block for the Flower Garden quilt

Yeah!!!  I finished the last hand stitch block for my Flower Garden quilt.  Today I had a late start at work, so I was able to finish the last few flowers of this flower basket block.  This was the block I was working on at my parent's place on Father's Day.  With this block done, I will be able to finish the B side of the quilt top.

While I was checking out what I can do next, I realized that I hadn't shown you the other few pieces that are ready to put together.  This next block below only needed a top and a bottom border to make  it fit in and ready to assemble.

This last picture was the heart appliqué block that I finished.  This block is now sewn together with the star block.  These three blocks were the only hand work blocks needed to complete section B.

Some time soon I want to find the time to put it all together. My half square triangles to frame the basket block and the side pieces are done.  You will need to stay tuned for my progress on this one.

Monday 23 June 2014

Last two appliqué blocks left to do

This weekend past, I did some tidying up around the house here and there, as well as my quilt room.  You know, when the creative juices are flowing the room can get pretty messy with piles here for one idea or protect and piles there for stuff to sort from a project complete.  Bits and pieces everywhere, until you come to a point that you just can't function anymore without having to make some room somewhere.  Well I felt I had come to that point.

That was when I decided to put things away and straighten up.  I set up the last two appliqué blocks for my flower garden quilt with the fabrics I am going to use.  The picture below shows what I am going to use.  I put those aside to make two kits for the two fairy pillows I am going to make and put those aside as well.  I finished the sewing of all the wedges of the spider webs and put them on the design wall to be assembled later.

After making up the kits I finished ironing the pieces that I had washed and organized them.  If the pieces were large enough, I  folded them for the fat quarter drawer.  I also cut up some of the fabrics into bow tie block pieces for my leader/enders.

Needless to say I can see surfaces now on my sawing machine table, cutting board, treadle, surrounding tables and the floor.  Now I don't feel so claustrophobic.  

I even got some time in to start assembling the spider web quilt.  Rows one and two are assembled into rows and row three is halfway there.  I am see some real progress.  I just had to put away the little projects and stuff that I am not currently working on, so that I can focus again on one thing at a time. 

Sunday 22 June 2014

Working away on the quilting

I did some quilting. Thou I can't spoil the it, so will show just a section.  Not a lot done but further along.  Catching up on some long overdue spring cleaning.

Have my holidays the week of June 30th, so I figure I should be able to get this one done.  I will take pictures if the completed quilt when done.  I am liking it so far.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Flower garden quilt coming along

A little while back I had taken these few pictures to show you the progress I am making on my Flower Garden quilt.  I forgot to post them.

One early morning, very early, I came into my quilting room to just sit, have my tea and try to wake up.  I didn't want to wake up the rest of the household.  As I sat there looking up at my design wall, that was a complete mess at the time, I was drawn to the blocks from the Flower Garden quilt.  I was surprised how many blocks I finished in a short time, and thought to myself that with the completed blocks I could now complete a few more sections of the quilt. That is how it got started.  

I chose one of the stitched blocks.  I trim the block, added the plain small border, and the HST border as you see above. By this time I am getting into it, so I started on one of the appliqué blocks.  Again I start by trimming the block, add the star block to it, and add these to the column of three blocks.  Now I have two small sections done.  Isn't this great, I am moving along with it.  Getting more motivated as I go.

So, after sitting some more to sip my tea, admiring what I have completed so far, it hit me.  Don't forget though that I am still trying to wake up(some mornings are like that).  I realize at this point that I completed two sections that are part of the same larger section.  All I needed to do was add the two side borders to the last section I made, so that I could put these two sections together.

Look at that, one larger section complete. By this time I am fully awake and happy that I can say, I have made some progress.  That was all I was able to accomplish that morning.  Back on the wall I put the section and yes, the design wall is still a mess.  On the wall there are 10 different projects.  My Flower Garden quilt sits beneath two quilts, the Farmer's Wife Sampler quilt and my Spider Web quilt.  

Next I have to finish my Spider Web quilt.  I feel it is long over due.  If I don't make an effort to finish it, it will end up packed away for a long, long time. I have all the wedges done on it, the paper removed and most of the wedges are together.  

So, this morning as I sit here writing this post and sipping my tea, I am thinking the wedges are what I will work on next.  See you later....

Sunday 15 June 2014

Taking on a little project

Like I don't have enough to do already.  Yesturday when I went to The Hobby Horse, this was one of the patterns I picked up.  The pattern is from Bareroots, the copy rights say Barri Sue Gaudet, so I assume this is the designer.  But sorry if that is incorrect.  First time I've seen patterns by Bareroots.
No disrespect intended.

The pattern is called P.S don't Forget...  The store had a sample made up in a wall hanging size.  I thought it was the cutest thing.  Myself, I am making the large pillow.  Last night when I could not focus to do any quilting I decided to get the blocks ready for hand stitching.  They are small blocks at only 4" square(pattern calls for 3 1/8" square).  I like to make mine a bit bigger to allow me the room to trim after I am done.

Even just drawn out they look cute.  They read P.S. Don't forget to... wish, laugh, nurture, believe, inspire, create, adore, celebrate, love, wonder and dream.  These little blocks shouldn't take long to do up, but I am not starting the stitch work until I finish my flower garden blocks, or that is what I am telling myself now.  Who knows what time will tell.

Today I have to work on some more quilting.  No more pictures of that until I am done.  Don't want to give it all away.  You will just have to stay tuned.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Took a trip shopping

This morning I was in the mood to spend my $25 coupon from the Hobby Horse.  I completely forgot to take my iPad to take pictures.  Would have been nice, as a kind of tour of a quilt store.  Maybe next time.  I was a good girl today.  I only spent $65 today and with the coupon my expense was $40.

The picture above is of some of the things I purchased.  I also have a load in the washer already.  The stuff in the washer is mainly the off white solids for the pillow patterns and a few light fat quarters.  I have to make a conscious effort to choose lights.  Why is that I wonder?  I seem to gravitate to all the dark, deep or bright colours.

Do you see the fabric on the top left hand side.  I am going to make a surprise for my grandson and granddaughter.  Just a little project to let them know I am thinking about them, even from across the provinces.

Friday 13 June 2014

Checking in on this Friday night

Got home from work after 7:30 pm tonight. Exhausted from all the overtime this week. Decided to just sit and do some hand work in the chair by the sliding doors in the guest room / office / hang out room.  I enjoy sitting here.  Usually quiet and peaceful, where I can lift my head and look out into the gardens(or what gardens I managed to put in so far since we moved here, almost two years ago). Didn't take long for the kids to gravitate to the room and just hang out.  Relaying the events of the day and catching up, while I worked on my basket of the last hand stitch block for my garden quilt.

Tomorrow I have some renovation stuff to do, but mainly I will be working on finishing the quilt I am doing for a friend.  Maybe I will have it done, so I can take pictures.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

A bit of quilting and a bit of trimming

Last Sunday I did get some quilting done on my friends quilt.  So far I have the centre squares done and the first two surrounding rows.  What do you think so far.  You have to wait until it is done before I show the whole quilt.

On Monday, because I only had about an hour I decided to start trimming the wedges.  See?  I have just over half of them done.

Not much else is going to be happening with quilting stuff this week, other than this evening I won't have the time with working overtime.  I will try and finish the quilting this weekend, in time for our Quilt Bee meeting next Wednesday.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Another one bites the dust

Another one bits the dust.  Yesturday while at my parent's, I finished the last of the flowers, of the block I was doing during the hospital stays.  It is not trimmed up or anything.  This is the second last hand stitch block to do for the Flower Garden quilt I am making.  Only one more left plus two appliqué blocks and this quilt will be ready to put together, or should I say finish putting together, as all of the piecing is done except where these few blocks go into the design.

Here is the last block I need to do.  Got to start it yesturday as well.  I am getting excited.  This quilt is really coming along.

Today I plan to get some quilting do for a friend and in between breaks I have to finish the caulking in the upstairs bathroom plus paint the doors and trims.  Should be another busy day.  

Enjoy everyone!

Saturday 7 June 2014

Yeah! Finally done the spider web wedges

Hahaha.....I had to laugh this morning.  While working on my spider web quilt wedges, I decided to check out if Bonnie has any new quilt cams.  I was pleasantly surprised to see a new one.  When I read the post I let out a laugh.  Guess what Bonnie is working on?  Yes, it is her long time UFO.  Her spider web wedges.....can you guess what colour her diamond shape is?  Yes, you guessed it right again.  She is using poison green just like me!  Or is it, I am using the same colour as her.  She says in her quilt cam that this is about or at least a five year old UFO.  So, she started it before me, but I am not copying her, because today is the first time I ever saw her wedges.

It's also funny when you think about the distance between us and we are essentially working on the same type/colour quilt.  I guess you have to look at it this way, there are only so many ways to make a particular quilt pattern.

Now that I am done the wedges I can start back up on quilting the quilt you see above for a friend.  All the in the ditch has been done for some time, but things started to get crazy around here.  I am glad she said this quilt is not a rush and to take my time.

I found part of a design that I thing will go well for one side of the stripes. Tomorrow I will try it out.

Friday 6 June 2014

Mom's Redwork quilt

Well, I am back.  Dad is home and doing well.  Now things can get back to normal.  I went to Mom and Dad's for dinner tonight. While I was at the hospital I was working on some hand work and while my mom was at the hospital she was working on some red work.

I am not sure if anyone remembers the post from a while ago where I spoke able going through the magazines.  When I came across this following pattern from an American Patchwork & Quilting magazine Dec/2000 issue.   The first thing I thought about was, wow...Mom would like this.  The quilt is designed by Betty Alderman, Cindy Taylor Oates & Laurene Sinema.

Mom has been able to get the four corner blocks of the centre star done.  She is using multiple red floss colours.  Aren't they great.  Her stitches are so perfect.

Tomorrow I have to go stay with Dad a bit, but after that I am hoping to start some of the quilting that I need to get done.  Should be able to post more regularly.  Stay tuned.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Woke up early today to get some me time in

Woke up early today to get some me time in.  I just couldn't go another day without getting some machine time in.  Spent the whole night at the hospital last night, when I got home needed to get some sleep, and woke up at noon.  It was such a beautiful day out that I thought to get in the garden to finish planting all the fortyish pots that I had left.  As of today I now have about ten left.  What do you think?  This is the view of one new garden I put in to create a winding path on the right hand side. It will divide the sitting area on the side of the house from the rest of the back yard.  I think it will look nice once the tree and bushes grow to fill in.  The bush in the front will get 10' tale by 6' wide, which will help to enclose the space and hide the rain water barrel.  We also put the trampoline up for the kids yesturday.  It is temporarily in the spot that I am thinking of putting a gazebo.

This is the view from the other side.  The bricks forming a dotted line on the left is where I will be putting a trellis.  

So, now that I have decided to spend some time in my quilt room today, guess what I am working on?

Yes, more spider web wedges.  This is the point that quilters get distracted and tend to put things aside to start something new or just do something else.  I am so done with these wedges, but I am more determined to get them done.  I have 26 left to do out of the 48 that I needed to finish.

I will persevere!!  I will not work on anything else until I have at least finished the wedges.  I just need to get these done, otherwise they will go away and will not come back out for a looonnnnggg  time.  I can't have that!  My mantra today is finish.