Tuesday 3 April 2018

Susan's quilt

I belong to the Halton Hill Quilt Guild.  Last meeting we had a round robin.  At our guild, this is where there are four tables set up and each table has a speaker who will teach/demonstrate some sort of quilt technic.  We all sit at one of the tables and in 15 min. intervals we will rotate.

This year there were two tables showing different methods of appliqué, one was the overlay art quilts, and the third was two methods of piecing. 

I thought it went well and I learned a few new tricks and technics.  I completely forgot to take pictures until I got to Susan's table.  Her table was for freezer paper appliqué. 

She demonstrated the way she uses the freezer paper to make the appliqué shapes and showed us some of her pretty finished items.

I was drawn to this quilt in particular.  I really like the mix of appliqué with piecing.  I also like the grid that is created on this quilt with the alternating X block.  Just an FYI, these blocks were only 3" square. So cute!  Maybe I was also drawn to it because of the small sized blocks.  Lol.  Either way, I thought this quilt as a whole looked fabulous!

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