Friday 6 April 2018

Progress on my brown bear paws quilt

As some of you may remember the month of March was my brown bear paw quilt, for the American Patchwork & Quilting UFO challenge.  I was at a stand still for a little while, as I was fairly busy with other things.  So the last week of March I am thinking to myself that I am not going to get this quilt done.  That would be two out of three not finished.  Not good odds.

So, I got down to business and finished making all the blocks.  I enjoy making blocks.  They are small bits and pieces that sew up quickly and you can really see the pile growing fast.  After that I figured, let's keep the momentum going and started putting the rows together.  That was last weekend, the Easter long weekend.

While I was taking a break admiring the rows, while sitting and having a tea, I played around with some quilting ideas and thoughts.  I put down a protector sheet and with a dry erase marker and eraser pad I drew a bunch of different options.  Straight lines, curved lines, a mix of both.  Different ideas for different parts of the block.

In the end, I settled for this one.  There will be some ditch work, some ruler work and some free hand work as well.  I am sticking to mostly curves with just a bit of lines in the background of the block.  What do you think?

I haven't gotten as far as figuring out what I want to do on the blue sashing or the borders, but I figure that will come to me when it comes time to quilt it.

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