Tuesday 17 April 2018

Block 4 for the 3 Way BOM Adventure

Today I had to go into the office to work and meetings, so when I got home I figured I had to take care of the water logged snow/ice in the driveway from the weekend and Monday's dump.  Wow, was that snow ever heavy.  I certainly got my workout tonight and I got two days worth of steps in too.

When I came in I was exhausted and needed to sit for a bit to catch my breath before starting dinner.  So, I sat down at my machine and pieces the blocks for the 3 Way BOM Adventure.  This is April's block, which is block number 4.  This first block here is my traditional block version. 

There is the freehand block.  This chain really stands out against the white with grey polka-dots.

Lastly, we have the modern block.  These dogs look kind of funky.  This quilt will be a playful looking quilt.  I also like the solids mixed in with a patterned fabric.

I am liking these blocks, all of them, even the other blocks I've made so far.  I can't wait to put them all together.  By the end of the year I will have three complete quilts, all the same but different.  Wait until you see all the quilting designs Tracey has planned for these blocks.  Each quilt will be quilted differently and the designs are so varied, they are as different as the above blocks are to each other.

I'm getting excited!  I have to start practicing the quilting designs on scraps before the end of the year.  I want the quilts to look half decent and some of the quilting designs are outside of my comfort zone, but that is why I am doing this.  I want to continue to learn and progress to the next level of quilting.

Thank you Tracey.

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