Sunday 15 April 2018

A bit of this and that

A couple of weekends ago, I got myself organized for a workshop that I am doing, through the Halton Hill Guild.  It's a scrappy quilt, but can also be done with a planned scheme.  I can't quite remember what the pattern is called.  It has the word star in it, but that's all I remember.

I have a collection of Kona solids that I've had in the cupboard for 8-10 years, waiting for me to start making an Ocean Wave quilt, with black for the main squares.  That one still has not materialized.  I started collecting these fabrics through Sew Sister quilt shop as a 4-fat quarter bundle each month.  I don't have every colour, but somewhere along the way I told myself that I had a wide spectrum of colours and that I didn't need anymore, so I cancelled the program.  What you see below are all the colours I had, except for the really light shades of colour and the blacks, greys and browns. 

They look pretty nice there on my sewing table, all lined up.  I cut two strips of each 55 fat quarter colours.  What you may not see clearly in the picture is the grey that I plan to use as the background.  If you enlarge the picture, on the right hand side, close to the bottom, you may notice the corner of the grey.  The background is 3 meters of fabric, all cut up into 2 different sizes of squares.

I am looking forward to the workshop and now I am ready to go.  Actually, maybe I should get my Featherweight out and make sure it is running smoothly and that I have all the accessories together.

In the meantime, between working on my AP&Q UFO challenge  and other various things, I am also trying to get all my donation quilts hand binded and ready to go out.  Last Thursday my mom delivered 3 of them for me.

I have another one done and one about halfway done with the binding, so that is what I will be working on today.  Yesturday between eye appointments and household chores, I managed to get another 4 NICU quilts quilted.  I didn't finish until 8:30pm, but they are quilted and ready for the binding.  I think it would be too much to ask, to have these ones binded too, but maybe I can at least try and get the binding prepared.  We'll see......

Enjoy your weekend everyone.  Make the best of it!

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