Saturday 7 April 2018

Finished quilting the forest green squares quilt

It's not much.  It's a simple hunter green squares quilt to give away.  Someone had already made the quilt once, but due to the poor workmanship, I felt I had to remake it, before I could quilt it for charity.  To me, it doesn't matter if the quilt is for friends and family or for charity, I feel for either one we need to put our all into it and do the best work we can.

So here it is done.  It was done just before the New Year, but I still hadn't gotten around to binding it. Now it is bound, labeled and ready to go to someone who will enjoy it and it can possibly provide someone with comfort.

Below is a closer view.  Unfortunately, due to the material colours and the thread colour I used, you can hardly make out the design I quilted.  I can see it better in person.  In the picture you can only really make out some leaves.

I am on a binding binge, trying to get as many of the charity quilts binded, labeled and ready to go out the door.  I am challenging myself to get at least six of them done.  With this one done, I have two completed and four more to go.

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