Tuesday 4 April 2017

Finished appliqué for the small wall hanging

My family has been sick this past week.  The only one that escaped it was my daughter.  While I was slowly getting better I was taking it easy, sleeping and resting.  When I did have some energy I worked on my handwork, while in bed still resting.

I finished all the appliqué for my small pumpkin wall hanging.  I am a bit early, or a bit late depending on how you want to look at it.  All I have left to do is to quilt it, so I should have no problem having it completely done for this coming Halloween.

Now that I am pretty much recovered and the family is too, we are getting back into the swing of things.  Now I have to get caught up on the housework. Yuck!  Defiantly not my favorite pastime....but it need to get done.

Hopefully next time I will have a bit more to show you.

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