Friday 28 April 2017

One more Dresden plate done

I am on a roll.  I keep singing that song in my head, another ones gone, another ones gone and another one bits the dust.  Lol.

With this one done I now have only seven left to do.

This week I have been on holidays doing all sorts of odds and ends.  In my quilt room I trimmed all the HSTs of various sizes, all the drunkards path units, finished quilting my cousin's quilt (pictures to follow) and also stitched up a label for a gifted quilt.  My room is clean and tidy.

In my garden I finished one corner path/dog run, some weeding and installed the little decorative fence in the corner to keep the dog out of the garden.  I made all the appointments that tend to be delayed and even plastered the ceiling in the livingroom.

All in all it was a very productive week with a bit of me time too.

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