Tuesday 25 April 2017

A late night post

This is a late night post, just because I am so excited!!!  I finally got the courage to use my treadle machine.  I've had it for many years.  My son is 14 years old now and I bought this when he was still young in daycare.  I remember, because when I bought it we got it set up in my livingroom, my mom looked it over, cleaned it, oiled it and got it running with really good tension.

While my mom was doing all of the above, the rest of us were sitting around watching and playing the name game.  We were trying to come up with a suitable name for my new treadle.

When my son was in daycare, there was this one little girl that used to favour my son.  She used to look out for him and kind of be like a big sister.  Anyways my son used to like her very much too.  We used to tease him often, that she was his "girlfriend".  So when we played this name game, not sure who came up with it, but this little girls name came up, and it just stuck.

So......I would like to introduce you to Lily my treadle sewing machine.  No electricity needed to use this baby.  If the power goes out, no problem, so long as it is daytime, otherwise I would need to sew by candlelight.  Isn't she pretty....just like Lily the little girl.

After all this time and I am just now getting up the courage to use her.  This is my first block.  I chose  a scrappy string block from my bear paw quilt, as getting familiar with a treadle machine will take a bit of time and with string blocks, there is no precision necessary.

This is soooooo cool!!!  I had to run upstairs to show everyone!  I did it!  I made a block on a treadle.

I am thinking I am going to have to make many of these blocks in order to get the hang of it, but it was fun, so I am going to enjoy it.  I have to get the coordination of the foot peddle up and down motion to make the block move forward, instead of backwards when it breaks the thread.

Off to bed now, but I know I will have sweet dreams, just anticipating some play time with this new to me treadle.

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