Sunday 30 April 2017

Finished the Navy blue and cream quilt

Finally finished the binding of the Navy Blue and Cream quilt.  It took me a while, but blocks of time were just not available and as the quilt is 60" X 60" it was not very portable.  It's actually been done now for over a month, however I was waiting for a chance to take a picture of the quilt outside.

Yesturday started out cloudy, so it was perfect for taking the pictures.  Above is my navy blue and cream quilt.  Below is a close up of a corner.  I did simple quilting, as I wanted this quilt to be suitable for a guy.

While it was overcast I wanted to also take a better picture of my flower garden quilt.  I finished the binding on that one just this past Monday.  Just in time for the quilting guild meeting.

I am making some progress on the binding front.  I have seven quilts of various sizes left to bind.  Two of them are my quilts, one is a commissioned quilt and four of them are charity quilts, that I made going to Project Linus.  I have to get moving on them.  Hoping to have at least one of them done for the next guild meeting.

After spending the entire day out in the garden yesturday, my body is telling me it is time for a break.  I think I will try and hide out here in the quilt room all day.  Maybe I will go unnoticed....probably not though. Lol

Enjoy your day!

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