Sunday 1 January 2017

One last push to end the year

I tried to give it one last push yesturday, to get another quilt completed before ringing in the New Year, however that did not happen.  I worked on the 16-patch pinwheel quilt, which is a Christmas gift to a long time friend of my daughters.  She is practically like my own daughter.  While they were younger, they were inseparable.

The quilt itself is fairly busy, so I am doing an all over pantograph design on it.  You can see the quilting better on the border.  The design is called Whole Lotta Love by Patricia E. Ritter, through Urban Elementz.

I finished the quilt today and trimmed the edges ready for the binding.  Here are a couple more pictures.  This first one is the backing where you can see clearly all the hearts.

I was able to get a better angle of the quilting on the front, so you can see all the texture the quilting provides.  It looks great and really improves the quilt.

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