Tuesday 31 January 2017

Finished quilting the purple and blue squares quilt

Sunday morning was my morning to sleep in from doggy duty.  Unfortunately, she got loose and came running up the stairs to leap on my bed.  She was going so fast and I was not fully awake to stop her, that she landed right on top of my face with her front paw landing on the space between my lip and my nose.  With her weight and speed she was going, her nails actually drew blood.   I count myself lucky though, because if she had landed just a 1/4" higher it may have been fatal for me.  It was close enough though, that I felt sick for about an hour afterwards.

Needless to say I took it easy for a while.  Had my tea and caught up on some emails and stuff.  When I finally got going I wanted to make the best of the remaining morning, before having to run around with the kids for various things.

What I did was practice my free hand quilting.   The purple and blue squares quilt was small enough to work with.  I did an edge to edge design using the blocks as my outline and did this curvy line grid design.  I think it is part of or known as MacTavishing, but I could be wrong.  Sorry if I am wrong, but I didn't learn this from a book or online so not sure from what source it comes from.

This is a donation quilt.  I will be giving it to a lady at our guild that looks after Project Linus quilts.  

Sunday mid afternoon, I trimmed the quilt.  It's now ready for the binding.  I plan to use a very soft yellow for the binding.  It will go with both the front and the back fabric.

So, now I have another quilt done from my top 12 list for 2017.  We are almost done January, so I have a head start on a finish for February.

1. Quilting-Lise's Dresden plate quilt (commissioned)....
2. Quilting-Sabryna's yellow nine patch quilt (family)....need to add fabric to backing
4. Main work-Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)....
9. Main work-Purple star quilt (my own)....started sewing the blocks 
10. Main work-Grey, black & bright quilt (charity)....
11. Main work-Log cabin quilt from Sharon (charity).... 
5. Handwork-Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)....9 full blocks left to appliqué
7. Handwork-Mini pumpkin wall hanging (my own)....
6. Paper pieces-Xmas pineapple blossom quilt (my own)....
8. Leader/ender-Bonnie's mystery quilt (my own)....moving along

Total number of quilts completed - 2
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 10

Completed quilts:
3. Spools quilt (my own)
12. Purple & blue squares quilt from Carol (charity)

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