Sunday 15 January 2017

Completed block #1 for my Purple stars quilt

At the end of the year I had decided what I was going to do with my UFOs.  I set a list of my top 12 priority quilts/wall hangings.  I determined that I was going to start with my Purple stars quilt, as my main work and work on my Xmas Solstice star quilt as the leader/ender.

Well......we are now the middle of the month and I finally got started on piecing my blocks.  I finished block #1, seen below, with the sashings attached.  I had about six other blocks completed from before and decided to add the sashings to all of them too.

While working on the blocks above, I also worked on my leader/ender quilt and managed to get all of these done.

I like both these quilts and want to see them done.  I would love to use the Xmas quilt by the end of this year.  It would be nice.  We will see how long I can work on these two quilts before I get distracted yet again with something else.

I do have to make some blocks for the guild.  I have been asked to host a presentation.  They wish me to show them how I do my reversable quilt blocks and how I put them all together.  I will have to make blocks in various stages of completion for the next guild meeting the last Monday of January.

This will be one distraction and as life always does, I am sure there will be more distractions thrown in there.  That is what makes life interesting!

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