Friday, 29 January 2016

My Reconstructed Dresden plate blocks

Well, I've decided not to show you the Midnight flight runway quilt yet.  I really do not like the quality of the pictures I took.  I will wait until the weekend when I can try in the natural light of the day.

Instead, I want to show you what I've been playing with lately.  I forgot to post about it.  On Sunday night, when I had the night off of puppy duty, I wanted to do something different and something just for myself.  What came to me was my own Dresden plate quilt.

My Dresden plate quilt is a reconstruction.  I spoke of it in earlier posts. It's a quilt top that I purchased online, but due to the disintegration of the feed sacks and the less than par workmanship, I decided to take it apart and remake the quilt.  I liked the overall simplicity and look of the original, so as I remake it I am doing it pretty much the same, outside of trimming pieces and replacing what has disintegrated. 

Above is the first block, all cut out with petals sewn together and pinned to the muslin background. Since this picture, I have already hand basted the Dresden plate in place and later will hand sew it down.  But that will be after I get some other hand work done.

Here is another Dresden plate laid out waiting to be sewn.  This is the third plate.  I completed the second one yesturday morning during my late start time. I also finished making all the purple centres for my cousins Dresden plate quilt blocks.  On that one I now only have eight blocks to go before sewing the top together.

For this quilt, my Dresden plate quilt, there are a total of twelve full blocks and four half blocks that make up the top, with large 3" medium blue sashings and border all around.  The top block currently measures 14.5", so by the time I sew the plate down and trim up the block I may end up being 14" square.  When the top is done it will measure approx. 71" X 81".  A fair size, I think.

Today happens to be my night off from doggy duty as well.  Wonder what I will be inspired to do....

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