Sunday 10 January 2016

A little bit of this and that

Today was a bit of this and a bit of that.  I started the morning after puppy fell back asleep with my tea and some hand work.  I had enough time to attach another purple centre and about six stems of the Dresden plate block.  When I was relieved from my shift, I headed down to the rec room to make room for pinning a queen size quilt.  I had to start by clearing out the room and vacuuming the floor, which took me a bit, and I had to iron the backing and the top before layering the quilt.

It took me a few hours maybe even four to press and pin the quilt.  This one is now ready for quilting.  This is the Midnight flight quilt.  I am going to slowly work on getting it quilted.  It is a large quilt so it will take some time, but I am going to quilt something simple.  I was thinking of just a simple stippling for this quilt, because the people I am giving it to will put a lot of wear on it.  The stippling will hold up the best I think.

Just now before I started my next shift with puppy, I was sewing on piecing the Midnight flight runway quilt.  Tonight is my night off of puppy duty, so after making dinner for everyone I plan to putter some more in my quilting room.  I am going to take advantage of my time off.

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