Saturday, 9 January 2016

One more Dresden plate block done

It didn't happen last night, but I just today finished another Dresden plate block.  Yesturday I made up a few purple centres, so now I have a few that I can complete.  This yellow one is done and the next two are pinned and ready to be sewn.

Today started late for me, all this early 3:00 am, 4:00 am and 5:00 am wake ups with the puppy is really starting to catch up on me.  This morning she only woke up at 4:00 am, again at 5:00 am, so it was a bit better, but when my shift ended at 6:30 am I went back to bed.  I've lost precious time sleeping, but I am feeling much better for it.

When I woke up at 8:30 am, I still had two hours before my next shift, so I removed the paper from the pineapple blocks, cleaned out my machine and started sewing on the Midnight flight runway quilt and the sixteen patch pinwheel as my leader/ender.

The pineapple quilt is filling in.  Next with this one I will work on full blocks with one black tip.  These blocks will also fill in the perimeter of the quilt.  The black piece that I have been using is to stimulate a small border.  I will show you the progress on this one after I do some more perimeter blocks.

Let's see how much I can get done on the Midnight flight runway quilt.

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