Thursday 21 January 2016

A few pineapple side half squares

Today was my late day.  I didn't start work until 11:00 am.  That gave me some time to work on my pineapple quilt.  I got three more half squares done with the blue tips.  The blue tips either go on the top or the bottom edge of the quilt.  After I take the paper out one will go at the top to finish that edge and the remaining two will go for the bottom.  In the bottom I will only have three more half squares to do.

I also got a full side block done.  This side block has one tip that is black and in this case the opposite side has one tip that is green.  The green tip is for either the right or the left side of the quilt.

After I finished these few things I had to take a break to cut up some strips.  I ran out of the black, blue and green tips and edge pieces.  Now I have all the long black edge pieces cut to complete the quilt and a bunch of black tips too.  I cut a bunch of blue and green tips.  That should keep me going for a while.

By this time I only had about half an hour left before I needed to get ready for work, so I sat down a bit and started ironing the washed hexagon pieces.

I felt productive today!  There is still going to be many more hours work on the pineapple quilt, but a bit of this and a bit of that, gets me closer to the end.

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