Saturday 23 January 2016

Colouring squares

This morning I did a lot of puttering about.  I took care of putting some things away and cleaning up in my quilt room.  I sat for a bit to have my morning tea.

I am the type of person that likes to see and track my progress, so while I sat and drank my tea, I did some colouring.  We are never too old to colour, I am sure the people who came up with the adult colouring books are making a mint.  In my case I was colouring the pattern for my pineapple quilt.  Each colour represents a different type of block.

The green colour is for the four corner blocks,  the pink is for the side half squares, the turquoise is the outer full blocks that I have to make one corner black and the purple is for all the remaining regular full blocks.  As you can see from the diagram I am almost half way done.  I am actually at 40% of the way done with the purple full blocks.

I get so excited when I see progress, that It inspires me to keep going.  Now that I have the two machines set up permanently I can leave the pieces for the pineapple blocks beside my machine.  This way if I have even just a few minutes, I can come and sew up a few pieces.  As I took the time on Thursday to cut up the black, blue and green edges, I have all that I need to make more blocks.

Another thing I did this morning was the random layout for the charity Jean quilt I am making.  It is on my list of twelve that turned into eighteen.  I have all the blocks labelled, the border fabric and backing fabric picked out.  When time allows I will sew it up.

This afternoon on my puppy sitting time, Maddie fell asleep.  This gave me some time to finish a peach Dresden plate block.  Sorry about the shadows, I didn't realize I was taking a picture, of my hands taking a picture.  This evening I also prepared another five more purple centres, for the next blocks.  I counted what is left on these blocks and was pleasantly surprised to find out I only have eight and a half left to do.

Before and after puppy duty, I was ironing all the very small hexagons that I washed, that are part of the hexagon quilt I am reconstructing.  All this between puppy training class this morning and son's hockey game.  I'd have to say that this day has been very productive!!!  I like these kind of days.

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