Friday 8 January 2016

More pineapple blocks

I had another late start today.  Late starts seem to translate to more quilting time, as puppy sleeps.

Today I got four more side pieces done.  Before I got into this though, I made four large purple centres for the Dresden plate blocks I am working on.

After I completed the four side pieces, I trimmed all of them, including the ones I did yesturday.  This will be a slow process, but slow and steady wins the race.  Isn't that how it goes.

I had just enough time to also remove the paper from the corner pieces and a couple of side pieces before I had to get ready for work.  That is when the puppy woke up too.  So take some time to play with her until she is content and curls up on her large pillow bed and falls back asleep for a while.

We will see if tonight I will be given the chance to do some hand work.  I am wanting to applique the purple centres onto the Dresden plates.

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