Saturday 1 October 2022

Robin's house town blocks quilt

Oh my!!!  It has been a very hectic last couple of days.  Actually, the whole week has been.  It's like a fast moving rollercoaster ride with all the ups and downs and being jolted left and right.  This week was my vacation week.  I was hoping to get some renos done, catch up on quilting customer quilts and get the pots planted before the weather turns really cold. renos all.  Some pots got planted and my path was cleared, but someone gave me more plants so I have just as much now as I had when I started....but even still, I'd have to say that I did have a good week off.  I spent my birthday day traveling to Mount Bridges to look at a sewing machine for workshops and retreats.  Happy birthday to  I got the machine and enjoyed a leisurely drive back.  On the way back I stopped off at a couple of other quilt shops, was able to stop off to see my son, get some groceries and such for him, and closer to home pick up my daughter and lastly treated myself to some great Greek food delivered to the door.

It seems that everything takes longer than initially anticipated.  I did get a lot of quilting done.  I did four of my mom's quilts, two of my own, five customer quilts and another small one for my mom.  And, the one day that was raining, I took some time for me and sat to do some handwork.  I finished the last block of my wool appliqué, Summertime Sampler wall hanging.  All of these are pending pictures.

So I thought to share with you a couple of quilts completed by a customer that I finished quilting last month in August.  These quilts belong to Robin.  The first one is a quilt of a town, with houses, trees, fences and a church.  Robin was telling me that only due to covid was she able to participate in this block of the month, because it was out of Nova Scotia and Robin lives in Ontario.  She got to participate in this class with an old school friend who lives in Nova Scotia.  It's great how many establishments and people have adjusted well to meetings online through Zoom.  

The quilt turned out lovely.  It spurred me on to try and get my own house quilt done.  That was one of my quilts that I quilted this past week.

This next quilt, Robin made for a neighbour.  It was to be a surprise to thank her for all that she does.  Robin's neighbour is into gardening and the theme fabric is floral.  I am liking the teal and salmon colour combination.  Very nice work Robin.

Tomorrow is my last day off before going back to work.  My plan is to try and at least finish off planting all the pots that I have and cleaning up stuff around the yard.  Have to think about cleaning things up for......dare I say it.....winter.  I really can't believe we are already in October.  Doesn't seem that long ago that we just started getting good summer weather.

Enjoy what is left of your evening!

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