Tuesday 4 October 2022

2022 Milton Fall Fair

I was just checking out some of the pictures I took while at the Milton Fall Fair.  I already shared one completed by a customer where she won 1st place in the category that she entered.  Here is another 1st prize winner.  This was made by Susan P. and is going on to the regional finals.  Great job Sue!

This next one won 3rd place.  This one was made by Maryann.  Unfortunately, the way it is folded you don't see the blocks in the centre.  All of the block colours are taken from the theme fabric in the large border.  Great job Maryann!

This next quilt was also done by Susan P. and this one won 2nd place in the category that it was in.  All the leaves in fall colours look very pretty and I liked the quilting she did on this one.  Another job well done Sue!

There were many other quilts there and many of them were gorgeous!  This was just a small sample from those I know.

Keeping this post short today, still have stuff to do before I can head off to bed. 

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