Wednesday 12 October 2022

2022 Acton Fall Fair pictures #3

Here is the last couple of pictures from the Acton Fall Fair.  The quilt there in the centre (hard to recognize), is my garden quilt.  this quilt won first prize in the category of multiple technics.  This quilt has piecing, embroidery and appliqué.

The quilt just below it, and in the picture below, was my mom's quilt.  It won a second prize ribbon in the category that it was in.  This is my mom's Radiance quilt, in red and white, with the red half square triangles forming a star and a lot of redwork flowers surrounding it.  I love the numerous shades of reds she used for both the star and the embroidery.  It really adds dimension and texture.

Now that Thanksgiving is over and I am back to work, I'm going to have to catch up on things around here.  I have a few deadlines coming up that is going to be a real challenge to meet.  One of them is, now that we are back from the family reunion, I have some more labels to make for the quilts that my nieces and nephews chose to have from my collection.  Surprisingly, they all chose quilts that I already had made, that just did not have a destination.  That's great!!  It helps me lighten my load.  

My husbands side of the family, with nieces and nephews, is now done.  I need to still take care of some nieces and a nephew on my side of the family.  Lets see if I can get lucky there too....

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