Friday, 14 October 2022

Progress and yet another two Summer Sampler blocks

Today I was working on the Christmas quilt again.  I now have 4 1/2 rows out of 8 rows done and assembled horizontally.  It's coming together.  Now keeping it real, as people sometimes think wow, that was quick.  I did one row one night, I did two rows yesturday after work and I did 1 1/2 rows tonight.  That may still sound quick, however I already had all of the blocks for this quilt completed into four patches a little while ago.  In other words half of the work was already done.  I am just getting back to making this top.

Quilting takes time.  We often underestimate the amount of time it does take, especially if there are a lot of other things occupying our time, like looking after children or elderly parents, working full time to bring home the get the point.

I am only saying this, because when I read posts from others, I sometimes wonder how they can get so much done, but in reality, it may have taken weeks or months of persistence and sometimes monotonous piecing.  I have to keep reminding myself this.  Here on my blog, I just want to keep it real.

Excuse the quality of the picture, it was just taking tonight from my sewing room in the basement, with no natural lighting (nighttime).

On to our back in time, to April 7/2020 & May 24/2020:

Again keeping it real, these two blocks are dated about 1 1/2 months apart, because sometimes that is how long it takes when life gets hectic.

These are two of the last blocks, with one more remaining that I appliquéd for my Summer Sampler wall hanging.  The first one is a mama bird and her baby bird on top of a bird house.  The only things that were remaining to be done on this one were the bead eyes for both of the birds.  That was finished a couple of weeks ago.

There is this house block with a flower vine.  I had forgotten to do the window grids on this one, so a couple of weeks ago when I was putting the finishing touches on all the blocks, I finished the windows and put in a bead for the door handle.

I have one last block to show you, maybe sometime this weekend.  I am going to be in the basement quilting up a storm. I have a lot of catching up to do on customer quilts and donation quilts.  

Take care everyone and have a great weekend!!