Wednesday 5 October 2022

2022 Acton Fall Fair pictures #1

Here are some pictures from the Acton Fall Fair.  There were entries from numerous participants, but primarily there were four main people who reaped the prizes.  Three of them I know.  One of them was Anne B, second was Lorna/my mom, and third was me.  I know of a Teresa as well, but I don't know her personally.  This first prize for the main category, was my quilt, which is going to regionals. This was my Xmas Solstice quilt, a pattern by Bonnie Hunter called Summer Solstice.  This was a mystery quilt pattern that I decided to make at a later date using Christmas fabric.

This next picture is the 3rd prize winner from the same category.  This quilt is called 99-bottles (a variation) made by Lorna/my mom.  2nd prize not pictured here went to Anne B.

This pretty quilt was also made by Lorna/my mom.  It won 1st prize in the category that it was entered.  Up close it is gorgeous.  It, I believe is called Winter Wonderland.  The centre scene is all redwork, done by hand and the borders are made up of different pieced star blocks.

I won 2nd place in this same category as above.  This quilt was called Daybreak.  It was the pattern that I made and taught for a HHQG workshop back in 2020.  I talked about this quilt in an earlier post.

There were more, but they will come in another post.  you'll have to stay tuned for them later.  

I have numerous things I need to get done before we head out to the family reunion for the weekend, so I may not be able to post until I get back.  Will try tomorrow to post before I leave, but that may or may not happen. Depends on timing.  If I don't get to post, I would like to at least wish everyone a good thanksgiving.  Enjoy your weekend and time hopefully spent with family and/or friends.

It's a time to be thankful...what are you thankful for? 

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