Wednesday 28 September 2022

Mary's Australian fabrics quilt

Today was good.....didn't get much in the way of quilting done, but it was still good.  I couldn't go outside and finish planting the pots of plants and a bush, because it was raining and all wet, so instead I thought I would go downstairs and get some quilting done.  Well, you already know that didn't happen.

What I ended up doing instead, was a major reorganization of my back storage room and some of the longarm area.  It was getting to the point were I was finding if difficult to find anything and there was no rhyme or reason to all the stuff.  It ended up being the dumping ground.  Not anymore.

I pulled everything out off the shelves and off the floor, under the table and started sorting.  It felt good to finally get around to this.  I have everything in order and everything in it's place.  Now I even have floor space and nothing under the table, so I can walk in right to the back wall and even put my legs under the table while using my  Small things, but when you can't do them, it is irritating.

I did later manage to trim 5 quilts and attach binding to two of them.  I also cut down the trimmings and was able to close off another case to make a doggie bed.  So that was something....

As I don't have photos for you, I will leave you with these photos from back in time to Nov 30/2019:

This quilt is Mary's quilt using Australian fabrics.  I can't quite remember, but I think it is her daughter that is in Australia and sent her some fabric.  Mary did a wonky style log cabin type block and sashed it in yellow with cornerstones.  I forgot to take pictures of this quilt, but when I was delivering it to her place and saw how pretty the quilt looked with the light reflecting through the window and casting shadows, emphasizing the quilting design, I quickly grabbed for my phone and took the few pictures. 

I thought the fabric was unique.  All the fabrics contain dots in their design.  Some were black background with coloured dots to make the design, others used the dots as the outline of the motif.  Almost all the Australian fabric had dots of some sort.  Mary indicated that this was their signature of sorts.  The colours of the fabrics were also unique.  Not sure how to describe it, but they just had a different feel to them.

As the fabrics were unique, I thought I would use a unique quilting design for it.  The picture above is the best photo to see the quilting.   I dropped off the quilt to Mary who had to bind it quickly, as someone was going back to Australian and the quilt was to travel with them.

Tomorrow I am hoping to at least get a chance to plant the pots, before it gets too cold for them to establish, before winter sets in.  We shall see...

Enjoy what is left of  your evening.

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