Friday 16 September 2022

Mom's string lattice quilt & a sample of the HHQG BOM row quilt.

About a month ago, my mom was giving this quilt to Quilt of Valour (QOV).  She made it a little while ago, but folded it up and forgot about it.  I think she had to clean up for company and had to put it away.  When I told her I was going to meet up with the person from QOV, she remembered this quilt that she wasn't intending to keep.  So I when to her house to take this picture and pick it up.  The lighting wasn't the best, but you can still see it well enough.

This is a string quilt.  My mom made string blocks about 8" x 9", and cut them into sections 3 1/2" x 8 1/2" to make the grid sections.  She used a light blue for the cornerstones, a light peach for the background and set is on a diagonal.  It turn out nice.  This is one good way of using up your strings.  You can make this type of quilt in any colourway.  You can do it completely scrappy strings like this one, or choose a singular colour in all different shades of the colour.  Every component that you do will change the look of the overall quilt.  There truly would not be any one alike.  I am thinking of making one myself soon, to try and tame the strings that seem to be multiplying


Back in time to Mar 7/2019:

This sample is what the Halton Hills Quilters Guild (HHQG) did for their Block of the Month (BOM) for the guild year of Sept/2018-June/2019.  This was run by Mary and Marion, as they were in charge of the BOM at that time.  There were quite a few that made this quilt.  It was nice and a step away from the usual singular blocks.  

This one had piecing, appliqué (you pick your own technique), and I think paper piece too.  When it was time for the reveal and the women brought there tops or finished quilts in, it was amazing to see all the variations.  You were encouraged to make this your own quilt by using the monthly pattern and putting your own twist on it.  The layout was given, but again you were encouraged to change it to suit yourself.

This top was brought to the workshop that I co-ran back in May/2019 with Vivian, our Outreach coordinator at the time.  This workshop was the spiderweb quilt that I spoke of in an earlier post.  Just search the word spiderweb and it will come up, if you want to hear about it.

Interesting facts: In renos - Today is Friday and my goal after work, is to put the final coat of paint on the main bathroom including the baseboards and trims, and wash down the tiles to get ready to caulk the tub.  Other happenings - Today is the start of the 109th Acton Fall Fair.  I entered 8 quilts.  We are going to go to the fair likely tomorrow if weather is good.

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