Sunday 25 September 2022

Progress on my hexagon quilt

I have been making progress on my hexagon quilt.  Every morning while having my tea, I am starting the day relaxing and doing some handwork.  I have found this to be peaceful and calming, so I will continue to carve out some time for me in the morning, while the house is quiet.

On Saturday, I finished this piece, which goes along the top of the second half of the quilt centre.  It goes in the 3rd position, which is about the middle of the quilt.  The tip of the diamond is on the top half of the quilt centre.

I am getting ready to start a full diamond, which will slid in to the left of where it is at on the floor.  The piece above is in the picture on the top right hand side.  I'm not sure why I went sideways, when I had intended to do each diagonal row and than attach them as they are completed.  For the bottom half of the center section, each diagonal row consist of a diamond with the missing tip, three full diamonds and a triangular piece to end the row.  I have all the triangular pieces done and the two right hand side partial diamonds, plus the above two diamonds with the missing tips.  If I counted correctly I have three diamonds with the missing tip and fifteen full diamonds left to make.

It's really coming along.  Everyday I do a bit more and it gets me more and more excited to see this through to completion.  This has been an on and off, long time project, that I started back in Nov 18/2014 (click this link if you wish to read more Start of Hexagon quilt).  After this centre section, I work on the borders.  The great part about the borders is that they are already almost done. Whoo hoo!!  I have only a portion of the multi coloured bottom border to do and maybe half of the right hand side borders left to do.

Hope everyone had a great weekend, even if it rained some.  The gardens certainly needed it. Have a great night.

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