Saturday 10 September 2022

Another Christmas disappearing nine patch block quilt & cute bird blocks

Tomorrow I am heading out with my Sister and Mom to do some antiquing at Aberfoyle.  This is a very large outdoor antique place that I usually enjoy going to.  So I am posting my tomorrow's post today. 

Today, I had customers coming and going with quilts throughout the day. So I decided to take a break from quilting and do some sewing of my own instead.  I started off cleaning up all the piles of messes left all over the place over the past week and a half.  Sometimes when I get creative, it gets a bit messy.  I wanted to enjoy my sewing with less clutter everywhere, so I took about half an hour to put everything away and vacuuming the floors. 

I was able to cut binding and put it on a quilt that I designed and made for Quilts for Survivors (picture and pattern will follow once I have them all together).  I cut up some light squares for my Christmas quilt, finished a house for the house quilt and various other small things to get the place in order.  What I really wanted to do was sew this square. 

I am making a Christmas quilt for the Halton Hills Quilter's Guild (HHQG).  There is a possibility that we may have some sort of raffle, but not sure just yet. If not, it can be given to someone as part of our Outreach program.  For this quilt I am using 4 Christmas charm packs and some of my light fabrics that I cut earlier in the day.  These will make a total of 49 blocks, for a 52" square lap quilt. Above is the finished block.

To get the finished block shown above, I start by making a large four patch block (shown below).  From all the charm packs, I selected two of the same prints for the darks and coordinated them with two matching light fabrics.  After the block is sewn, as seen below, I will cut a strip measuring from the center out at 1 1/4" and do the same for the remaining three sides, and start swapping the pieces to get a block that looks like the finished block above.

By the end of the day, I now have one finished block and 48 four patch blocks complete.  Not bad for a full day of interruptions (in a good way).  This quilt is going to look cute with the smaller pieces.

Back in time to Sept 3/2019 (roughly this same time, 3 yrs ago):

This was when the president of the HHQG was retiring from being president.  As a retiring gift, we (as guild members), got together to make a bunch of bird blocks.  The pattern was given to everyone and people were asked to make them with whatever colour combinations you wanted.  There was a lot of variety when they all came in.  They were gorgeous!

The block above was the one made by my mom.  Hers looks like a Cardinal.  The two below, were made by me.  The first one a Blue Bird and the second one made to resemble a Robin.  I thought the second one was so cute!!

Hope you enjoyed this beautiful Saturday with all the sun.  Have a great day tomorrow.  Enjoy your day.  Take some time for you!

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