Tuesday 29 August 2017

Hexagon quilt

I took out all the pieces for my hexagon quilt.  I haven't seen them for a while and I have been wanting to sort out the different fabrics and colours.  Making sure I had a good mix distributed across the quilt.  The centre of the quilt and the last border alone, take 2042 hexagons, not including the white sashings or yellow centres.

I had some waiting in the car time, when I had to pick up my daughter, so the first thing I thought of was, finally I get to put a few stitches into my hexagon quilt.  I usually only get to work on it while waiting in the car or doctors offices.  Thank goodness the latter was not necessary.

When I got home though I just could not stop there.  I attached a couple of floret units together.  The little corner unit, for the start of the centre, got added to them.  By the time I finished this it was time to head to bed, however I could not stop thinking about sorting the fabrics.

I now have that done too.  I sorted everything out, and piled them into groups.  They are pinned into groups of parts, to complete the different sections of borders, diamonds and side pieces.  Everything fits nicely in this container I had on hand.

The cottage trip for our family reunion was great.  Always nice to see those that we haven't seen for a whole year.  Even our four legged family members had fun.  Maddie had the run of the island, except for the neighbours on the right of the cottage.  Wouldn't you know, that is where she always wanted to go.  Here she is laying in the sun on the porch.  This was something seldom seen, as she was mostly none stop running, everywhere.

Now that summer is coming to a close, my son is at orientation at school, my daughter is still working waiting for school to start back up, and I have to really crack down on getting everything ready for the quilt show.  I just received my rulers in the mail, so I am ready to get back to quilting the purple stars quilt.  I have only September and part of October to get everything done.

Enjoy the last few days before school is back, and traffic increases.

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